It was on November of 2008 When I decided to pursue my further studies in my alma matter taking up Masters in Business Administration (MBA). It was a tough decision then as I just came from my 2nd failure in the CPA Board Exam, great dilemma arises to me during that time whether to continue trying my take 3 in the board or pursuing my master's degree, but my passion to go back to school ruled and my journey to MBA life started...
During my first day in the graduate school, As I remember was a little bit tense, but with tremendous happiness, maybe because, I know it will be totally different from high school and college life considering that I will be dealing now with professional and respected individuals in town. I profess that I adjusted myself a lot with the new environment and new educational system of the degree...
While taking up my MBA Degree, I am simultaneously working then as a COLLEGE INSTRUCTOR in 3 schools here in Pampanga, It was such a Hectic Schedule for me as I teach from Monday to Friday and attend my MBA studies during saturday from 7am to 7pm, but as they say If you really love what you are doing, no matter what hindrances may arise, you would still do everything and take the challenge to make all things possible...
So I took the challenge, the challenge to meet the deadlines of assignments, term papers, research papers and a lot more to mention, dealing with misunderstood, intelligent, sensitive, weird, sympathetic, lazy and inspiring professors, coming up with excellent presentations of reports, and the unforgettable battle of taking the COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION as a requirement for graduation.
Speaking of Comprehensive Examination, this exam is being taken by any Graduate School students who have completed the academic requirements set by the program. In my case, I finished a total of 42 units comprising the Basic, Cognates and Major subjects before I was put into the hot seat of taking the arduous compre exam. I finished all my Academic Units last year summer of 2010, and took the said exam last August 5 and 12, 2010, the days where my mind and heart were just focused on one thing, to answer all the questions being asked and pass the exam. I know that my experience in the exam was extraordinary, in a sense that you need to answer 7 to 9 essay questions in 1 hour per subject and there were 11 subjects, imagining myself answering those questions with limited time, as if, I am dying slowly but slowly, Likewise, I can say that I am a survivor, I took the summon to finished the exams with great pride and perseverance.
4 months after, to be exact December 15, 2010, I received a phone call from the UA Graduate School Office telling me the good news, a news that would give me the motivation to move forward, a news that would somehow change my life style, and a news that would make my parents even more proud to me, what is it? Yes, you are definitely right with your guess,,, I PASSED THE COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION WITH AN AVERAGE OF 94%. Thanking the Lord was the first thing I did when I heard about that unexpected news, My hands were shaking, my heart was beating too fast, Tears of joy were overflowing from my eyes, I am totally speechless and certainly don't know what other words I am going to utter...
Ever since I was a child, I can say that I am a DREAMER, I always dream of things which I want to achieve in life but I see to it to make it happen by realizing them with actions, I once dream of having a title with my name, at first it didn't worked out because of my failures in the board exam, but this time, I am very proud to say that I already made that dream to come true, as I called myself now, KRIST MARK Q. MACAPUGAY, MBA
In the next few months, that name would become totally VALID, as I take my final vow to my MBA Graduation this coming April 2011 with my PARENTS.
Making it this far is not a joke, it is not even indeed easy, but it takes a lot of courage, patience and determination along with great faith to the Lord.
If you are going ask me one question....Am I going to stop dreaming? definitely not, and there is no space for not dreaming more and more, in fact, my next move is to become a CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT (CPA). This time NO rooms for failures, as long as I believe in God, my abilities and myself like what I did in achieving my MBA Title.